an amazing life starts with an amazing breakfast

These days I browse lots (and lots and lots) of foodie blogs for my work. I love it. There are so many beautiful recipes and food photographers out there. I can get lost in foodie blog land for hours.

photo via 'what katie ate'

I recently found Tea and Cookies blog and read a post where Tara was catching up with her friend Rachel Cole, of “The porridge manifesto“, over breakfast.

Tara writes:

Rachel makes breakfast a ritual. This is something I could learn from, because I can’t tell you the number of breakfasts I eat at my computer. She puts her breakfast in a bowl and chooses a spoon from a mug full of lovely old mismatched spoons (Rachel thinks that even your spoon choice is an opportunity to be creative).

Tara goes on to talk about how many religions consider almost any activity an opportunity to be mindful. I love this idea. And it’s clear that a breakfast ritual is definitely a great way to practice mindfulness. It’s one of the first things we do each day, and it sets the tone for the day. If we rush through breakfast, or eat on the run and don’t focus, that’s probably how the rest of the day will follow: rushed, and unfocussed.

A little mindfulness, a little relaxing, focusing on nourishing our bodies, stilling ourselves to enjoy the moment; these things will mean a much more enjoyable day. I reckon. Never mind that we’d be starting the day with a healthy, satisfying meal that fuels us for the rest of the day. Smartest move.

My breakfast routine over the past few months has been over a good coffee and the papers, in my local coffee shop. Bliss. I love that start to my day. The cafe is bustling, and the smell of coffee is the best. I sit, I read, I listen to the conversations around me, I debate about the day’s news with the old men, I chat with the mums and bubs, I giggle at the kids drinking ‘baby chinos’ with chocolate all over their faces. I love it.

An amazing day starts with an amazing breakfast.
And a life is made up of a succession of days…

Go, plan your breakfast for tomorrow!